Create your own Custom PowerData Forms

The PowerData Module allows you to create your own forms on your website so you can

  • collect custom information per form 
  • be notified by email when someone completes a form by email
  • access all of the form submissions from your website and export them to csv

Accessing the PowerData Module

To access the PowerData Module you will need to click on the Modules tab in the top menu and select PowerData Forms from the list.

If you can't see the PowerData Module, please raise a support case and we can turn it on for you.

Add a New Form

  • When you click on the PowerData Module you will see a list of forms that you may already have on your website. To add a new form click on the ""Add Dataset" button located in the left navigation.


  • A Pop-up Window will appear that will ask you to give your new form a Name. Enter the name and fill out the other information and click ‘Save’.  In the example below it is the setting up of a new Custom Contact Form.

Adding Data Fields

To add a new data field click on the green “Data Fields” icon against the newly created ‘Data Set’ found in ‘Data Set Admin’.
•    The Data fields screen will appear so you can start creating your form fields. See Explanation of Fields below for more details.
•    Select which Field Type you require from the dropdown box (see below for more information on field types).
•    Field Label: This is the name of your field that will appear on the form. It has a limited number of characters you can enter. You will need to add a HTML content field if you have a long description.
•    Required: Yes/No – this will determine if the field is compulsory to complete the form.

Explanation of Field Types 

  • Captcha: If you have a captcha field on your form it will help reduce SPAM and prevents robots sending through dummy submissions. (Note: Captcha will not be visible while you are logged in to your website admin)
  • Checkboxes: This allows you to create a number of different options and let users tick multiple options. If you select this type it will give you an additional section for you to add your “Field Options”. Type the option name into the input field and click “Add” it will appear in a list below. If you wish to re-order the fields, click on the  arrow located to the left of the field and drag it to where you would like it to be. To delete a field click on the rubbish bin icon on the far right of the field.
  • Date: A simple date field with calendar selector
  • Email Address: the email address of the user .
  • File Upload: This allows people to upload a file.
  • HTML Content: This field type allows you to write more detailed content or insert links and documents
  • Horizontal Lines : This is just a visual line that will appear on your form to break up the content.
  • Image Upload: This allows users to upload an image
  • Numeric Input Field: This field will only allow numbers, if a user tries to submit a form with any other characters they will be prompted to change their entry
  • Phone Number: A field to add in a phone number
  • Plain Text Memo Field: This is a field that allows users to input long text answers i.e. descriptions, comments etc
  • Radio Buttons: This option allows you to create a number of options and ask members to select one. If you select this type it will give you an additional section for you to add your “Field Options”. Type the option name into the input field and click “Add” it will appear in a list below. If you wish to re-order the fields, click on the arrow located to the left of the field and drag it to where you would like it to be. To delete a field click on the rubbish bin icon on the far right of the field.
  • Section Headings: This will allow you to create a heading to format your form into easier to read sections
  • Select Box: This type will allow you to create a dropdown list of options and allow users to select one from the list. . If you select this type it will give you an additional section for you to add your “Field Options”. Type the option name into the input field and click “Add” it will appear in a list below. If you wish to re-order the fields, click on the arrow located to the left of the field and drag it to where you would like it to be. To delete a field click on the rubbish bin icon on the far right of the field.
  • Text Input Field: This is the basic form field which allows users to enter text information.
  • Time: A time field
  • Yes/No Radio Buttons: An easy way to add a Yes and No button option which allows users to select one option.

Once you have completed the details above click on the "Add Field" Button

The field will be instantly added and live on your form.

NOTE: All form submissions will go to the main contact email address for your website, if you need this email address to be changed for a particular form only please raise a support request.


Editing Forms 

To edit your forms click on the icon located to the right of the chosen form. You will be taken to your current form.

If you wish to change the form name, click on the edit icon located to the right of the Form Name.

Note: All changes made in this area will be effective immediately on your live website. 

Icons Meanings to Edit, Hide, Reorder and Delete Fields

  Allows you to re-order your fields. Click on the arrow next to the field you wish to move and drag it to the place in the form you would like it to be.
  The eye allows you to show and hide fields in your form administration area to make it easier to view. It simply hides the input or option fields.
  This shows that the input or option fields are currently hidden in the form administration area. Click the icon to open the fields out. This has no impact on the live website
  This allows you to inactivate the fields. This icon means that this field is currently active on your membership form. Click on this icon to deactivate the field.
  This allows you to activate the fields. This icon means that this field is currently inactive on your membership form. Click on this icon to activate the field.

This icon allows you to edit the field properties.

  This icon allows you to delete the field. NOTE: This will delete all data that has ever been stored in this field plus remove the field from current application forms.
This image appearing beside the field Label Name will show if the field is required, to edit this status click on the edit icon.
This image appearing beside the field Label Name will show if the field is currently inactive on the live site. To activate click on the red inactive square icon on the right hand side of the field (pictured above).


Reviewing Form Submissions

  • All form submissions will be emailed to the main email address that is stored in contact details on your website. if you need this email address to be changed for a particular form only please raise a support request.
  • You can access your form submissions one of two ways. C
    1. Click on Modules in the top navigation bar and your form name will appear in the list of modules
    2. Click on Modules in the top navigation bar and click on PowerData Forms, then click on the Data Collection icon to the right of the form you wish to review.
  • You will be taken to a screen that shows all of your form submissions in a table format

  • Filter Results  - From here you can filter the results by Date Submitted and also choose what field they are sorted by
  • To view the form submission click on the "Details" link located to the far right of the list. Note: If you have lots of fields you may have to scroll all the way to the right of the screen to see the Details link
  • You can Delete the form - if you wish to delete the form click on the bin icon on  the far right of the submission . Note: If you have lots of fields you may have to scroll all the way to the right of the screen
  • Delete All Data: If you wish to delete all form submissions you can click on the "DELETE ALL DATA" Button located above the results. This is not reversible.
  • Export to CSV: You can also export all of your form submissions to a csv file for further review.


Adding a Form to a Page

To display a form on a page you will need to have a page on your website for the form to go. The page must be active. If you would like any text to appear above your form, you can enter it into the content editor within Page Administration. (Refer Adding Pages). 
Once you have created your page, click on the widgets icon, and add the Powerdata widget. 

Powerdata Widget

Find the Powerdata widget on the page, and click the cog icon to select which Powerdata form you would like to display on the page. 

You can also give the form a heading by adding the heading text into the "Form Header Text" field. Click save, and your form will appear on your page.

Powerdata Widget2